Product Announcements

Viral Patel
August 19, 2024

This new capability automatically captures the last-read FAQ context, such as issue type and subtype, via Custom issue fields (CIFs) and metadata when users submit an issue. This allows support agents to quickly understand the user’s recent interactions with FAQs to suggest further actions that can be taken and provides a more personalized experience to your users.

Admins can configure CIFs for relevant FAQs, which can then be used for new issue automation. If CIFs are not configured, the last-read FAQ link will still be visible in the issue’s metadata, allowing agents to understand the context and engage in more meaningful conversations with end users.

To know more, visit our help article.

Viral Patel
August 6, 2024

To address the growing risks in cybersecurity, we are excited to introduce a new Malware Attachment Scanner feature. This feature automatically scans all attachments for malicious content when agents attempt to download them, providing warnings if any threats are detected.

Key Benefits:

  • Prevents harmful commands: Protects systems from risks like system takeovers, overloaded databases, and backend attacks.
  • Scans all uploaded files: Ensures all end-user files uploaded to Helpshift are checked for malicious content.
  • Enhances security: Acts as a defense line for agents interacting with end users, safeguarding against potential threats.

Please contact your customer success manager or the Helpshift support team to enable this feature, and refer to our help article for more information.

AI and Automation Help Center
Viral Patel
July 17, 2024

Effortlessly enhance your global customer engagement with the new Language AI for FAQ Translations. With just a simple click within the FAQ editor, you can now translate your FAQs into over 70 languages.

Key Highlights:

  • Streamlined multilingual content management – Eliminate the need for localization services or manual translation work of adding translations one language at a time.
  • Custom-Trained Engines – Language AI offers engines fine-tuned with brand-specific data for precise, contextual translations that maintain brand voice across languages. We can train custom engines for those interested in further customization at an additional cost. Please reach out to [email protected] for more information.
  • Rich Media Formatting – Language AI translation handles rich media formatting, alleviating the tedious manual work required to maintain consistent formatting across different languages.
  • Efficiency Gains and Cost Reduction -This reduces translation expenses and addresses the time-consuming challenge of manually translating FAQ content into multiple languages.
  • Global Reach and Flexibility – Seamlessly translate FAQs into multiple languages to make your help center accessible to a diverse audience. Admins can also manually adjust translations for cultural appropriateness and accuracy.
Language AI for FAQ Translation

To know more, visit our help article.

AI and Automation Analytics and Reporting
Viral Patel
July 15, 2024

The new feedback bot analytics dashboard introduces foundational insights from our Feedback Bot’s CSAT surveys, offering a direct look at customer satisfaction levels.​

  • CSAT Trend Analysis –  Visualize changes in customer satisfaction over time to identify impactful service changes.​
  • Issue Trend Analysis – Track the number of issues in which the Feedback Bot is invoked, offering insights into how effectively the bot is utilized in the service resolution process.​
  • Daily Metrics Table – Examine daily issues with feedback bot invocations alongside CSAT scores, handling time, TTFR, resolution metrics, and more for a detailed view into factors influencing customer satisfaction.​

You can find details on the reports and key metrics here.

AI and Automation Help Center Web Support
Viral Patel
May 27, 2024

This new feature is designed to seamlessly integrate Helpshift’s modern support experiences, such as Help Center, Smart Intents, Web chat, AI, and Automation, directly into your website or web app. 

Some key features of this widget are:

  • Enable your users to get support without leaving your website or web app
  • Simple plug-and-play integration
  • Choose between compact and full-window modes to best fit your web design
  • Customizable widget to align with brands’ visual identity, including language setting capability
  • Capture user context for better control over support workflows
  • Configure to show only Help Center, Web chat, or both
