Cost Savings

Find out how much you can save with messaging and self service

How many tickets do you receive per month?

Across all channels.

What customer service channels do you use today?

Select all that apply.

What is your typical breakdown of tickets per channel?

Amounts should equal 100%.

Amounts need to equal 100%

What percent of your tickets would you like to divert to messaging?

Most Helpshift customers divert at least 30%.

What percentage of tickets are repetitive and could be automated?

Advanced Helpshift users automate up to 80%.

Get Your Results

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(Clear Form)


Total Savings with Helpshift Messaging
Total Savings with Helpshift Bots and AI
Combined Annual Savings

*Please note these values are approximate based on the data submitted.

See the cost savings for yourself and request a live demo today

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Product Marketing Video

5 Minute Helpshift Demo


How to Streamline and Scale Customer Support with AI