Intent Classification

Intent Classification

In the world of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and chatbots, intent classification is the process of classifying the customer’s intent by analyzing the language they use. For instance, a customer who types “How can I find my order status” into a chat window is likely looking for, well, order status. The machine understands this intent…

Issue Routing

Issue Routing

In customer service, issues routing is the practice of determining which agent, organization, or channel a customer’s query should be directed to.  Why Does Issue Routing Matter to Customer Service? Issue routing is very familiar from traditional call center models. With IVR models in particular, customers are often asked to “self-serve” to the right option:…

Multichannel Support

Multichannel Support

The idea of multichannel support in customer service is that a brand meets customers on a variety of communication channels, from traditional phone support to email, social media, live chat, and more. Multichannel support gives customers the option of contacting a brand’s customer service in whatever way is most convenient and comfortable in the moment….

Omnichannel Support

Omnichannel Support

Like its close cousin multichannel support, omnichannel support is a customer service model that allows customers to reach brands on a variety of communication channels, from traditional phone support to email, social media, live chat, and more. The idea of omnichannel support is to give customers multiple ways of contacting support so they can choose…



FAQ stands for “frequently asked questions,” and is a standard document in nearly every customer service organization today. Typically, FAQs can be found on company or brand websites, but are often used for other purposes as well — for instance, as part of the knowledge base that drives self-service efforts in customer service.  Why Do FAQs…

Customer Service Benchmarking

Customer Service Benchmarking

Customer service benchmarking gives you an overview of the effectiveness, efficiency, and success rate of your customer support operation. Benchmarking can also refer to industry-wide data that shows the state of customer service across a sample size of companies.  Why Does Customer Service Benchmarking Matter to Customer Service? Obviously, it’s important for your customer service…

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing

Natural language processing, or NLP, is how computers extract information from human language and, in turn, produce natural language output to communicate back. With algorithms that can identify and extract natural language rules, the unstructured data of language can be converted to a form computers can understand.  Natural language processing technology has been used for…



Touchpoints are places along the customer journey where customers interact with brands. An interaction may be passive, like viewing an ad or receiving an email newsletter, or it may be passive, like commenting on a social media post or contacting customer service. In any case,  Every point of contact a customer has with a brand is a touchpoint,…

Web Chat

Web Chat

Webchat is a format that allows customers to communicate directly with brands online, often on their websites and in real time. The web chat window pops up as an overlay of the website page in the browser, allowing the user to type messages directly into a text field, and often attach images and other files…

Customer Onboarding

Customer Onboarding

Customer onboarding refers to the very first part of the customer journey and the active role companies can take in making this experience a positive one that ultimately will ensure a higher lifetime customer value. The process of customer onboarding varies from company to company, but it typically entails a process of establishing a relationship…